Dev Notes Alpha 0.0.3

He had been working as a guard there for years, ever since he was a young orc, and he was getting tired of it. Maybe it was time for a change.

Just uploaded the latest build:

  • The log window is vastly improved. The main thing is that now display messages that are multiple lines without ruining their formatting.
  • New monster AI. The monsters can now follow and watch the player.

The log window took a while longer than expected, but happy to have it done as it makes the game far more playable. 

The AI is still in its early phases and since adding it I've discovered an annoying vision-fog related problem where enemies are now popping into vision late sometimes. Fixing that, and a few other bugs will be my main focus for the next update, before we move onto more exciting and thematic things!

Thank you for reading!

Chris Vel (12/10/22)


Roguelike Demo (Alpha 0.0.3).exe 2.3 MB
Oct 12, 2022

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